About Us

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign ( PSC) was established over 30 years ago  to campaign for Palestinian rights, including the right to self-determination, the right of return and to oppose Israel’s occupation and violations of international law. There are now over 40 branches of PSC around the UK. PSC is opposed to all forms of racism, including anti-Jewish prejudice and Islamophobia.

The York branch was founded over 15 years ago to work in the city for justice and peace in Palestine. We want the world to take action upon what it already agrees with: that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, and its blockade of Gaza, are illegal and immoral, and that Israel should withdraw its troops from the West Bank. This consensus transcends religious difference and national division.
Who do we work with?

York PSC  works with students, faith groups, human rights groups, trade unions and many other campaigning, cultural and political organisations, not only here in York but  throughout the UK, in Europe and worldwide.

What do we do?

We campaign in solidarity with the Palestinians and Israelis, and the many millions of others around the world, who work for justice for the Palestinian people. We engage in political lobbying, education, and participate in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign (BDS).  Many of our members have travelled to Palestine to see the situation for themselves.

For more information, visit our website (yorkpscinfo@gmail.com) or sign up to join our information mailing list, which includes a quarterly newsletter.

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