Monthly Archives: August 2014

York rally and march for Gaza


Starved, besieged, yet unbowed, the 1.8 million people imprisoned in Gaza can do nothing except endure as Israel’s bombs and missiles rain down, targeting hospitals, schools, civic buildings, homes, police stations, and even UN compounds where people had sought sanctuary; still believing, despite decades of disappointment and betrayal, in the sanctity and protection of international law. The world powers do nothing, worse, they continue to arm Israel.
The politicians are complicit by their inaction, but the whole world is watching with mounting anger and incredulity that such barbarism can be inflicted by a military superpower on a defenceless civilian population

In these three weeks something has changed. The world has seen with its own eyes that Israel is not the victim it claims. In their millions around the world, and increasingly within Israel itself, people are declaring that no longer will they stand by and bear witness to occupation, oppression, and barbarism.

Raise your voice in York to denounce Israel’s crimes against humanity

Join our York march and Rally for Gaza

Saturday 9th August
12 noon, assemble at York Minster Plaza near statue of Constantine.

Following the march there will be a rally with speakers from approximately 1pm.